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Installing trust-manager

Installation Steps

1. Install trust-manager

Helm is the easiest way to install trust-manager and comes with a publicly trusted certificate bundle package (for theuseDefaultCAs source) derived from Debian containers.

helm repo add jetstack --force-update

When installed via Helm, trust-manager has a dependency on cert-manager for provisioning an application certificate, and as such cert-manager must also be installed into the cert-manager namespace. If you have not already installed cert-manager, you can install it using the following command:

# Run this command only if you haven't installed cert-manager already
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.15.1 \
--set crds.enabled=true
helm upgrade trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager \
--install \
--namespace cert-manager \

Installation Options

Enable Secret targets

Secret targets are supported as of trust-manager v0.7.0, but need to be explicitly enabled on the controller. The feature can be enabled with a Helm value --set secretTargets.enabled=true, but since the controller needs RBAC to read and update secrets, you also need to set secretTargets.authorizedSecretsAll or secretTargets.authorizedSecrets. Please consult the trust-manager Helm chart docs for details and trade-offs.

approver-policy Integration

If you're running approver-policy then cert-manager's default approver will be disabled which will mean that trust-manager's webhook certificate will - by default - block when you install the Helm chart until it's manually approved.

As of trust-manager v0.6.0 you can choose to automatically add an approver-policy CertificateRequestPolicy which will approve the trust-manager webhook certificate:

helm upgrade trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager \
--install \
--namespace cert-manager \
--wait \
--set app.webhook.tls.approverPolicy.enabled=true \
--set app.webhook.tls.approverPolicy.certManagerNamespace=cert-manager

Note that if you've installed cert-manager to a different namespace, you'll need to pass that namespace in app.webhook.tls.approverPolicy.certManagerNamespace!

Trust Namespace

One of the more important configuration options you might need to consider at install time is which "trust namespace" to use, which can be set via the Helm value

By default, the trust namespace is the only namespace whereSecrets will be read. This restriction is in place for security reasons - we don't want to give trust-manager the permission to read all Secrets in all namespaces. With additional configuration, secrets may be read from or written to other namespaces.

The trust namespace defaults to cert-manager, but there's no need for it to be set to the namespace that cert-manager is installed in - trust-manager has no runtime dependency on cert-manager at all! - so we'd recommend setting the trust namespace to whichever is most appropriate for your environment.

An ideal deployment would be a fresh namespace dedicated entirely to trust-manager, to minimize the number of actors in your cluster that can modify your trust sources.


To uninstall trust-manager installed via Helm, run:

$ helm uninstall trust-manager -n cert-manager
These resources were kept due to the resource policy:
release "trust-manager" uninstalled

As shown in the output, the CustomResourceDefinition for Bundle is not removed by the Helm uninstall command. This is to prevent data loss, as removing the CustomResourceDefinition would also remove all Bundle resources.

☢️ This will remove all Bundle resources from the cluster:

kubectl delete crd

⚠️ trust-manager versions prior to v0.9.0 do not keep the CustomResourceDefinition on uninstall and will remove all Bundle resources from the cluster. Make sure to back up your Bundle resources before uninstalling trust-manager if you are using a version prior to v0.9.0. Or upgrade to v0.9.0 before uninstalling.


📖 Read the trust-manager docs.